Sunday, October 29, 2006

Smudge moved!

So it finally happened.... I was laying in bed Friday morning at work and though I was awake I was not quite ready to get out of bed yet. While laying there... I felt the baby move! At first I wasnt sure if I was really feeling it or imagining it... but it felt like popcorn popping inside of my belly. I layed there for a few more minutes and felt it again. It was the strangest feeling! I havent felt it again since then, but probably because Ive been so busy that when I hit the bed at night Im asleep and then I wake up and get moving right away. I know soon enough it will keep me awake all night making its presence known!

Jenna and Savannah came to visit yesterday while Brad went to the Florida - Georgia game in Jacksonville. Shawn actually stayed in and watched the game with us, which was so sweet of him. I think he wanted baby time! He had so much fun playing with Savannah, and she absolutely adores him. Its so amazing how much she has grown up in the past few months. She had lots of fun crawling around the house, and I think Allie had fun running around the yard with her cousin Peyton. She actually went and layed down in her crate last night before it was bedtime just so she could get some sleep, poor thing. All in all it was a nice day, and Jenna and I got to swap clothes (her digging through my pre-pregnancy things that I have boxed up and me getting to borrow all of her maternity clothes.) What else are sisters for? It was great to get to spend time with them... and Jenna is the best Mom... it is so fun to see her with Savannah.

And my first official week of school is over... with all of my assignments completed and in on time. YAY! Its strange being back in the "student mode...."


Anonymous said...

My girlfriend Allison described the baby moving like spiders crawling on your insides, but I like your description better! It is vital that we spend some time together soon.