Thursday, April 19, 2007

Madalyn's First Bath

Well the day finally came... when Madalyn was 10 days old her umbilical cord stump fell off. This means no more sponge baths... and she is ready for her tub! I had absolutely no idea how to go about bathing her... so of course I had to call Mom and ask her for advice. I was a little worried since she HATED her sponge baths and would scream and cry the entire time. I assumed she would hate the baby bath tub as well.

Taking Mom's advice, I ran the water for her tub. Thinking I had it set so it would be filling for awhile and would overflow into the sink, I went to take Madalyn out of her clothes and wrap her in a towel. While I was doing this the tub tipped in the sink and spilled water over the edge and onto the floor. (Luckily we have tile!) I wrapped her in a towel and put her in her swing while I set up the tub. Once I had that on the counter I went and got her from the swing, only to find she had peed all over her clean towel! Luckily I had planned ahead and had several already laid out. : )

I expected screams from her when I put her in the tub... but she surprised me and LOVED her bath! Madalyn played and splashed her hands against the water (she is only 11 days old!) and never even so much as wimpered. She didnt even cry when I washed her hair, or when I washed her face and she got some water in her eyes. I was shocked at how much she seemed to love bathtime! She actually started crying when I took her OUT of the tub because she loved it so much!

Let me say something though... being a Mom is hard work! I now have an entire load of towels and wet clothes to wash because of her bath! :) But its worth it because she smells so clean and "baby soft."

I am recovering quite well from my C section... and each day I feel even better and find I can do more. I think starting tomorrow Madalyn and I are going to take some afternoon walks....


Liz said...

I know those duckie pajamas!! Ella LOVED her baths when she was young too. I think being in the warm water reminds them of being in the womb. And that sweet just-been-washed baby smell - nothing will ever compare to that!
Congrats on giving Maddie her first bath all on your own - It took me a long time to finally feel comfortable enough to bathe Ella on my own!