Sunday, December 16, 2007

These are the days...

Madalyn is now 8 months old and is getting so unbelieveably big! She is crawling everywhere and even tries to walk when you hold her hands. She stands herself up every chance she gets and has started "cruising" along furniture. Madalyn has learned to sit herself down from a standing position, which has made her standing and cruising so much more pleasant for all of us as she isnt constantly falling down.

Her hair is coming in thicker and is starting to have little curls at the end. When I was a baby my hair was straight as can be, but now both Shawn and I have curls so it wouldnt surprise me if she had curly hair.

Everytime we go in public she is so animated it is quite entertaining. Madalyn constantly tries to get the attention of people walking past us by waving and "talking" to them. Its almost as if she gets offended if people dont stop and say hello to her!

Still no teeth.... imagine that, she is almost walking and still has no teeth. And out pediatrician thought she might have teeth early because she was teething so early.... still nothing! But she loves to "eat" food.... her favorite of which are pickles... like the big dill pickles that she loves to eat. It is so adorable to watch because every so often she will make a "bitter" face and then go right back to sucking away at the pickle.

Madalyn has LOTS to say.... lots of "blah blah ba ba" and "da da ba ba" but still no words.

She is fascinated with the Christmas tree and the presents under it. I have already had to unwrap several as she was "practicing" for the big day. She has also helped me wrap some presents, and it is so funny to see her pulling all the bows out of the bag to play with. We are headed to Jenna's Sunday night to stay until Christmas day, so it will be lots of fun to have both Madalyn and Savannah together for Christmas. My parents are coming up, as well as Jenna's inlaws, and we will celebrate Christmas with Shawn's family when we get back.