She may come by it naturally (how can I help but want to dress her up all cute?!)Madalyn has lots of cute outfits (thanks Nana, Savannah and Gigi!) and she loves to "pose" for the camera.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Most Fashionable Baby
Madalyn's visit from Santa
Madalyn LOVED her first Christmas! On Sunday we went to see Brian for a little while and he was super excited to see Maddie. Then we left for Jenna and Brad's and arrived early evening. Madalyn hadnt seen Savannah since Halloween, long before she could crawl! As soon as she got there Savannah said she was "scared of Maddie!" and Savannah refused to get off of the couch. Poor Madalyn... she was so excited to "play" with Savannah and she wouldnt play with her. (Not that I blame her... Madalyn loves to pull hair and yell really loudly!)
After awhile Savannah warmed up to Madalyn and they seemed to interact rather well. We had to keep Maddie away from the presents under the tree (she wanted to practice unwrapping Uncle Brad and Aunt Jenna's presents just like she had Mommy and Daddy's!)
Monday morning, Christmas Eve, Madalyn was up early and ready to go. Shawn and Brad worked outside building a play area for Savannah's sandbox and her playhouse that Santa was bringing her. Then her Gigi and Papa came to visit her and she was so excited to see them.
That evening Madalyn had her first church experience. When the singing started with the organ she was absolutely mesmorized. Towards the end of the sermon she was starting to get alittle fussy so we gave her a candycane that Brad and Jenna had brought... she made a mess but had a good time doing it.
Christmas day Madalyn woke up to see that Santa had come and brought her lots of toys. Even though we had practiced unwrappig for weeks, once she got her first present she was done and just wanted to play with that one. Savannah bought her a Noahs Ark toy that sings and has lots of animals, which was a lot of fun to play with. She also got some clothes, a tickle me elmo, a shape sorter and a baby leapster reading toy. She also got a few books and a walk behind toy, as well as a play kitchen/living room which she has had a lot of fun playing with. Gigi and Papa also bought her a toybench so she can play construction with Daddy (though so far the hammer has hit everything she can bang on BUT the toy nails on the toolbench!)
Madalyn also got to play with Savannah's grandparents, her Uncle Kevin and her great grandmother. Savannah loved the Cabbage Patch baby that Madalyn had picked out for her. Savannah also got a Mr. Potato Head that came with lots of toys to put on it. Maddie loved this sword piece and kept trying to borrow it to chew on. I think she was trying to make her Noahs Ark a pirate ship!
Christmas dinner was wonderful.... Jenna did an amazing job of playing hostess to everyone. For someone in her last trimester of pregnancy who is technically on bedrest she did a beautiful job of hosting Christmas at her house. Shawn had lots of projects to do while he was at Brad and Jenna's (they always have a honey-do list for him, which he loves to help with!)
I was lucky enough to get the first half of work off on Wednesday, so I was able to unpack and do some laundry and organize Madalyn's new toys.
Santa was good to Mommy and Daddy as well! We got our new living room set for Christmas, though we got it early and we LOVE it! I got a new silverware set which is gorgeous, and Shawn got a new 20" flat screen monitor for his computer. (Which is the gift that keeps on giving.... now I have lots of room to use for my scrapbooking!) For our gifts for each other I bought Shawn a new drill (the best drill money can buy I am told) and I got some scrapbooking organizers for the office and some scrapbooking papers.
Christmas was wonderful.... spending time with family and friends and having the babies together.... cant wait until next year when Landon/Emerson Martin will be here, and Madalyn will be talking... and Savannah will be almost 3! It is amazing how time flies!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Oh, the Wonderful Things....
Oh the wonderful things Madalyn Jean can do.... she can go like a cow, she can go "moo, moo!" Okay, well no animal noises yet... but she HAS started to say "ma ma ma ma ma!" (Though then I repeat "Ma Ma" back to her, she responds "Da Da!") Lets see what else she can do...
She can help Mommy wrap Christmas presents....
She can help Mommy make Christmas cookies~
She's always ready for snuggle time with Daddy....
.... or playtime with Allie!
She can even ride her pony with Uncle Ben's help!
As I write this Madalyn is playing with her "purse" (one of my old purses filled with her stuff.) She gets so excited pulling it all out and playing with each item.
Maddie is really into other babies right now, especially the baby in the mirror! We used to be able to get her to nap in our bed in the mornings with us, but now she has figured out that when she stands she can see another baby. So her "napping" has turned into her constantly standing up and sqealing and waving at the other baby.
We are trying to teach her to clap and she is so close! Whenever we say "yay Madalyn!" She flaps her arms and smacks her hands together, her way of clapping. It is so adorable. I am so excited for Sunday when we go to Jenna's and get to see Madalyn and Savannah play together. Christmas is going to be so fun this year!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
These are the days...
Madalyn is now 8 months old and is getting so unbelieveably big! She is crawling everywhere and even tries to walk when you hold her hands. She stands herself up every chance she gets and has started "cruising" along furniture. Madalyn has learned to sit herself down from a standing position, which has made her standing and cruising so much more pleasant for all of us as she isnt constantly falling down.
Her hair is coming in thicker and is starting to have little curls at the end. When I was a baby my hair was straight as can be, but now both Shawn and I have curls so it wouldnt surprise me if she had curly hair.
Everytime we go in public she is so animated it is quite entertaining. Madalyn constantly tries to get the attention of people walking past us by waving and "talking" to them. Its almost as if she gets offended if people dont stop and say hello to her!
Still no teeth.... imagine that, she is almost walking and still has no teeth. And out pediatrician thought she might have teeth early because she was teething so early.... still nothing! But she loves to "eat" food.... her favorite of which are pickles... like the big dill pickles that she loves to eat. It is so adorable to watch because every so often she will make a "bitter" face and then go right back to sucking away at the pickle.
Madalyn has LOTS to say.... lots of "blah blah ba ba" and "da da ba ba" but still no words.
She is fascinated with the Christmas tree and the presents under it. I have already had to unwrap several as she was "practicing" for the big day. She has also helped me wrap some presents, and it is so funny to see her pulling all the bows out of the bag to play with. We are headed to Jenna's Sunday night to stay until Christmas day, so it will be lots of fun to have both Madalyn and Savannah together for Christmas. My parents are coming up, as well as Jenna's inlaws, and we will celebrate Christmas with Shawn's family when we get back.
Madalyn the party girl
Yesterday Madalyn attended her first ever birthday party as our friends Nick and Jackie's little boy Logan turned one. She thought it was a lot of fun to be able to crawl around with the other kids and see other babies. She also met a big girl named Madalyn, who was 3 years old. She had her first taste of birthday cake icing, which she wasnt too thrilled about.... but she had LOTS of fun playing in Logan's walker and little car. All in all it was a good day, and she has her first playdate with Logan on Tuesday night. And thanks to the practice that she got in Logan's walker, she finally got the hang of her own walker and is now zipping around our house crashing into things and thinking it is hilarious!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Happy Chanukkah
Well Madalyn is being raised Catholic, but since Shawn and his mother are Jewish she will also be taught about Chanukkah and what the festival of lights is all about. Today she helped Daddy light a menorah and received a Channukah present from Nana and Papa Swanson. It is a ride on toy like a rocking horse but looks like a little bug and sings the alphabet song. Madalyn is enthralled. She also has a ton of fun crawling under the tree an looking at (and eating) all of the presents there. She has already pulled off most of the bows on the presents.... silly baby.
Maddie and Santa Claus
I am so blessed to have a happy go lucky baby, because Lord knows I love to dress her up and do stuff with her and she is so laid back about it. The tradeoff for that is that she is into everything, climbing, crawling, now standing and trying to cruise along furniture and things.
Monday we took her to meet Santa Claus and she was very happy to sit on his lap and take a picture. She wouldnt leave her hat on, but thats the trade off for the smile in this picture.