Monday, April 02, 2007

38 Weeks, 4 Days

Well today I had my doctors appointment. It was certainly an experience. My doctor was actually out because he had hurt his back and I was told that I was going to see the office RN and she would check me and then I would see him next week. I told the LPN that we had said that we were going to talk about induction this week, especially since my blood pressure has been high. She said she would call the nurse midwife to come and check me and she would talk to me about induction.

Well the midwife came up and she was very nice. However, she is a midwife and a big proponent of natural childbirth (meaning no inductions and C sections unless emergencies.) She told me that there is a much higher risk of C sections with inductions and that is because sometimes the cervix isnt favorable for induction. I told her that I had been checked last week and was told I am very favorable for an induction, and we were to evaluate that today based on my blood pressure. She checked me and I was actually between 2 and 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced.... VERY favorable for induction. She said she could feel the baby's head and my bag of waters and she wouldnt be surprised if she came soon on her own because of how low her head is.

She then told me she would talk to the on call doctor about sending me to the hospital today for an induction. She called her and they talked... and the doctor said since there is a note on my chart that Dr. Muskus will be delivering me she wouldnt make that decision without talking to him. So the midwife came back and said to make another appointment (which I couldnt get until Tuesday of next week!) and to spend as much time lying on my side as possible over the next week.

I was so upset... mostly cause Im overtired from not sleeping and over emotional right now... but I was frustrated as well about this whole BP issue and them saying I need to rest and not do anything. There is so much going on that I want to help with... as well as feeling like laundry and dishes are piling up and I am suppossed to stay in bed all day! Plus if my doctor had been there, then I would have gone in for an induction. Or if I had been seeing the other doctor she would have sent me in... but they wanted him to make that decision but were going to wait until he comes back to work.

When we got home Shawn called his Aunt Michelle, our doctors wife and filled her in on what happened. Long story short.... we ended up talking to my doctor at home and he said he would call and have me put on the schedule for induction on Saturday, his next day on call. So unless she decides to come before then, we will end up going in Friday night at midnight to have Cervadil and will start Pitocin some time early Saturday morning. Looks like Madalyn will be an Easter Baby after all!


Lyssa Bug said...

Awww, I'm sorry you had such a stressful experience. :( Just remember, everything happens for a reason. Looks like you need to buy her a new Easter dress this year instead of next, huh? Yay! I'm so excited. Keep me posted. I'm trying to plan another visit soon. Love you!