Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Its been awhile....

I havent updated in awhile... mostly because we are super busy at the new house because we have less than 2 weeks until we need to move in. There is still so much to be done! It IS coming along though... slowly but surely I guess. There just seems to be so much to do... but I guess that is the joy of home ownership- alays some project to work on. Shawn loves that! He is especially proud of his yard... it is absolutely gorgeous grass thanks to lots of Weed and Feed.

Miss Madalyn is now 14 weeks old and is growing so much! Now she grabs at everything and tries to get it in her mouth. She holds her head up on her own... and is interested in everything going on around her. She is also teething so she goes between being a happy baby and then being fussy when her teeth are bothering her.