Monday, October 08, 2007

Happy Half Birthday!

Today was Madalyn's six month birthday which we celebrated by a visit to the doctor's office. She is 16.2 pounds and 26 inches, which makes her right on track. Babies are supposed to double their birthweight by six months, which would have made her 17 pounds but she is way within where she should be. Of course she got her shots, which she hated... but she only cried for a minute as opposed to the 10 minute she has cried in the past. But when she stopped crying and saw the nurses were still in the room, she stuck her lower lip out and started the water works again... little miss drama queen. She was actually really good today after the shots and wasnt too fussy, which was nice.


Anonymous said...

She is absolutely adorable. I can't believe she is already 6 months old. Time goes by so quickly. Luv,Kenna Martin

Julie said...

Ditto to what Kenna said! Such a cutie!! :)

Jenna said...

5 more days and your cousin is coming to play!!!!