Friday, December 19, 2008

December Update

As an early Christmas present to me (well, really to keep Uncle Sam from getting as much tax money LOL) I recently picked up an awesome new lens to go with my awesome new camera! That's right... I have done well enough in 6 months with my business to be able to afford both a new camera (the 40D by Canon) and this new lens, which is an 85 mm 1.8 for all you camera people out there. The camera got here a week ago and I used it at the wedding I shot last weekend (check it out on my photo blog) The new lens came yesterday... and Madalyn wasnt loving me for wanting me to shoot her, so I practiced on the tree (finally! A willing subject in this house!) I am only wishing that I had this to do the tree pictures, but no such luck. Maybe next year....

Maddie is super excited about Santa... she sees him everywhere and points him out and says "ho ho" (hasnt added the third "ho" yet. For Christmas this year she wants Elmo Live (hint hint Santa Claus) and lots of books.

Only two more work days for me and then we are off to Cape Coral for Christmas at my parents...


Liz said...

Maddie looks so different and grown up in these pictures - her hair seems to have grown like crazy! What a beautiful little lady she is becoming. Hope you guys have a fantastic holiday!!