Friday, October 20, 2006

Fifteen Weeks

Well as of yesterday I am officially 15 weeks pregnant. I finally figured out my due date and it is Friday the 13th of April! Good thing I am not superstitious about things like that!

I had a doctors appointment on Wednesday and so far everything is going well. I absolutely love my doctor... he is so nice and funny and treats me like an equal instead of a patient which is nice. I am so relaxed around him. It doesnt hurt that he is family either! The other night I was sick so Shawn called him at home to see what medication I could take... cant beat that kind of service!

We got to hear the heartbeat again, which was the first time Shawn got to hear it. As soon as he put the doppler on my belly we heard it, which was cool since he didnt have to get my stomach all goopy with gel trying to find it. It is still in the high 150s-160s, which has my mom and sister convinced is a girl. We will find out for sure next month... November 17th as of right now. Shawn is going to take a day off of work to be able to go which is nice because the only appointment they had was in the middle of the day. So then we will know if we are having a pink or a blue Smudge! And everything I have read says that I should be able to feel the baby move probably sometime next week or so.... and I cant wait for that. I think that will make it real.

Last night we went to dinner with friends, which was very nice and unexpected. We went with Kristina and her boyfriend Billy and Megan and her boyfriend Gene, who is like a cousin to Shawn. So that was very nice... and Kristina, the wonderful friend that she is, had a glass of water waiting for me when we got to the resturaunt with an umbrella and a piece of fruit in it so it looked like a cocktail. It was so cute.!

Jenna is out right now in search (hopefully successfully!) for the diaper bag I fell in love with last weekend. She is going to try and snag it for me, so if Graco discontinues the pattern I can have it. I love my little sister and she has so many great suggestions on how to get everything organized before the baby is born! She told me that she actually preordered her birth announcements before Savannah was born and had the envelopes sent to her so that she could work on them before she had an infant to deal with. I never in a million years would have thought of that!

We got the nursery bedding last week.... we are doing an Under the Sea theme, which fits great with the beachy theme of the house and all, and it pretty gender neutral so it wont matter if we have a boy or a girl. It is so adorable and I was so excited to get it.... now we just have to find the furniture that we like!