Tuesday, May 01, 2007


There is something so refreshing about the familiarness of home. I realized that tonight as we sat outside and Shawn swam in the pool... and I caught a whiff of the same scent of night blooming flowers that I have been smelling for the past 18 years. And it reminded me of all of the nights before now that I have enjoyed the serenity of a night outside on our dock. The windows of the houses across the lake still make the same patterns on the still water. And the sound of the crickets and the occasional fish jumping are now the same. I love being home.... and I love it even more now that we are able to come here with our daughter.

We came home last Monday to stay for a few days, and that has turned into a week... and we are stil here. It is nice, being home with Mom and Dad and relaxing. I cant remember the last time I was here this long.... and I am certian it will be quite some time before Shawn and I will both be off together to make this trip. It is nice to be able to be here, somewhere I am completely comfortable, and share this family time with Madalyn.

She turned 3 weeks old on Sunday, and what a difference from when she was born! She is so bright eyed now... and it is very apparant that she can recognize faces and voices. She will turn her head when she hears her Daddy talking and whenever I hold her and talk to her she gets the most beautiful smile on her face. It makes me melt. Earlier today we were "playing", which mostly entails me talking to her and kissing her... and she looked at me and her face lit up in the biggest smile.... it was so amazing. She is such a blessing!