Wednesday, August 29, 2007

20 Weeks old~

Madalyn got to experience eating celery this week... she seemed to enjoy gumming at it. She is also obsessed with cups.... whenever you have a cup by her she pulls it to her lips and tries to drink from it. It is the cutest thing. Gigi bought her a walker this week, and even though she is a little too short to walk in it now, she likes to play with the toys on top of it and make it sing to her. She also got her own phone today and likes to chew on it! Everything new to her goes right into her mouth. Madalyn has also discovered how fun it is to pull Mommy's hair!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


This afternoon I think I laughed harder than I have in a LONG time. I was on the floor playing with Madalyn and Allie wanted to join in, so she went and got her football. She was running around with it in her mouth trying to get someone to chase her (her favorite game!) Well, Maddie though this was the funniest thing and she took one look at Allie with the football in her mouth and she started giggling, then squealing. It was the most adorable thing. She kept doing it every time Allie came by. Allie loved the attention and kept bring the ball to us which made Maddie laugh even harder, then she started grabbing at Allie's jowls and trying to pet her. I can tell they are going to be great friends. :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Long overdue update

Whew! Its been almost a month since I posted on here! We have been super busy trying to get the new house ready to move in to, as well as move out of the old one. We are in the new house now... still trying to find things and unpack and sort things out. Even though this house is bigger it actually has LESS storage than the old one, so we have had to get creative with organization and all. But it is coming along.... as much as it can be with us working and having a 4 month old.

Maddie is getting so big! She turned 4 months old last Wednesday and is such a cutie! She is quite a little chatterbox and spend the entire day talking, from the time she gets up until she goes to bed at night. Notice I didnt mention anything about nap time in there.... she has it in her head that she will miss something if she dares fall asleep in the daytime! Sometimes if I am lucky I can lay her on our bed with me and get her to fall asleep, then I have to sneak off the bed without waking her. But that usually only lasts for 20 minutes or so until she wakes back up. We need to get her in a napping routine... but right now it works for her to be up during the day. She is always in bed asleep by 7:30 or 8 and most nights sleeps until 6 or 7 in the morning. So, cant complain there.

She has discovered how much fun toys are... and as of Sunday can roll over on her own. She had done this a few times on our bed or in the crib, but now if she is on her back she rolls herself immediately on to her tummy.... then cries after about 5 minutes because she wants to be on her back. But when you flip her back over.... she rolls to her tummy again. She knows how to roll from her tummy to her back, but she would much rather have mommy or daddy do it. She also loves to laugh.... Shawn has been very successful at making her giggle... and today for the first time I made her laugh by blowing raspberries on her belly. Her giggle made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes! She is such a happy baby... always smiling and squealing.... she is such a joy.

This past weekend my parents came up and Maddie saw her Papa Hill for the first time since she was 8 weeks old. They had a great time together.... I was so happy he got to be here to hold her and play with her. She is so much more personable now than she was 8 weeks ago... it is amazing how much she has grown since our wedding, never mind since her birth!

Last Wednesday was her checkup at the doctors (I mean, what better way to spend your 4 month birthday than going to get shots?!) She is 14 pounds, 8 ounces... and 24 1/4 inches. She is right on track to double her birthweight by 6 months, which is the goal for babies. Her doctor said she is absolutely perfect (which we knew!) She loved drooling on him... (she actually likes to drool on everything right now. we change clothes 3 times a day!)

Dr. Benton gave us the go-ahead to try some baby foods when we are ready, so last night we gave her some sweet potatoes. She seemed to like them, though I only gave her a few spoonfulls to let her get the idea of eating off of a spoon. She is also really interested in cups... whenever I am holding her with a cup in the other hand she leans forward and puts her mouth on the lip and tries to drink from it.

Allie and Madalyn are getting to be great friends.... she pulls on Allie's cheeks and pats her on the back whenever she can and Allie loves to lick her face and her feet.

I will update more as I get the time....