Thursday, August 16, 2007


This afternoon I think I laughed harder than I have in a LONG time. I was on the floor playing with Madalyn and Allie wanted to join in, so she went and got her football. She was running around with it in her mouth trying to get someone to chase her (her favorite game!) Well, Maddie though this was the funniest thing and she took one look at Allie with the football in her mouth and she started giggling, then squealing. It was the most adorable thing. She kept doing it every time Allie came by. Allie loved the attention and kept bring the ball to us which made Maddie laugh even harder, then she started grabbing at Allie's jowls and trying to pet her. I can tell they are going to be great friends. :)


Liz said...

Oh the first laugh is always the best. It's so amazing. I happened to be video taping when Ella had her first laugh - it's truly amazing!