Wednesday, August 29, 2007

20 Weeks old~

Madalyn got to experience eating celery this week... she seemed to enjoy gumming at it. She is also obsessed with cups.... whenever you have a cup by her she pulls it to her lips and tries to drink from it. It is the cutest thing. Gigi bought her a walker this week, and even though she is a little too short to walk in it now, she likes to play with the toys on top of it and make it sing to her. She also got her own phone today and likes to chew on it! Everything new to her goes right into her mouth. Madalyn has also discovered how fun it is to pull Mommy's hair!


Jenna said...

It looks more like a lime popsicle than celery. Mmm, popsicles. Can't wait to see the little bugger this weekend! Savannah keeps asking about "ladaly"!