Sunday, April 06, 2008

Big Girl Car Seat

Well the time has come for Maddie to no longer be in a rear facing car seat. She was so excited to be turned around and to face the front. I have never seen her look more proud!

And... she has taken 12 steps now! The other day she walked all the way down the hall holding on to the wall. But outside yesterday playing with our neighbor's two year old Jace she kept walking all over the place, trying to get him to play with her.

Two more days until her birthday!

Hard to believe this time last year I was driving to North Florida to check in to be induced.




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Jenna said...

I love the last one in the car seat- it's like she's pointing as if to say "So that's where you guys sit!" Ha Ha!

Tell her to keep on trucking- Savannah's going to run her wild next weekend!