This is from the night before we left to go to NC. I laid Madalyn down on the bed... and she just looked so comfortable!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Night Night, Sleep Tight
at 8/23/2008 10:44:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Madalyn 15 months
Boo Boos and Owies
Well.... I broke my finger. Now, I am not a wimp.... and a broken finger isnt a really big deal... but its more than a broken finger. I SLAMMED my finger in an automatic fire door (read: SUPER DUPER HEAVY) and crushed the poor little thing. Now the pinky finger on my right hand looks like a grape lollipop. (I know this because Madalyn keeps trying to grab it, saying "oooh oooh" like she does when she wants a "sugary sweet.")
The story with my finger is that I was at the VA in Lake City (at 0500 in the morning believe it or not!) dropping off a patient and the automatic doors were broken. I had to muscle them open, but then when I went to shut them they slid really quickly and caught my finger. The door completely crushed my finger. It actually severed the bone, but because the skin wasnt cut it wasnt amputated. (THANK GOD!)
So I am officially off the road until September 1st, while my finger heals. It hurts A LOT, mostly because I hate keeping it bandaged and I constantly manage to bang it on something. I also had to get 4 or 5 stiches in the top of it where the pressure burst through the skin. Its NASTY. Not to mention the Tetanus shot I had to get!
Madalyn spent the first day trying to eat the bandage, and then my finger! I tried to explain to her about Mommy's boo boo, to which she pointed to her chest and said "boobie?" (Thanks to Shawn for teaching her that!) So then I said, "no Madalyn, an owie. Mommy has an owie." She cocked her head to the side and said "Allie?" We need a new word for injuries!
at 8/23/2008 10:30:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Injuries, Madalyn 16 months
Lollipop, Lollipop
In celebration of my new 50 mm 1.8 lens and my new Speedlight.... here are some Madalyn photos.....
And she LOVED the "sugary sweet" lollipop!
at 8/23/2008 10:00:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Madalyn 16 months
Sunday, August 17, 2008
North Carolina Vacation
I have been such a slacker about posting my own pictures! I have been too busy with everyone elses. I am going to post a few on here, but will also upload them into a gallery to share as well.
These are just a few from the first day we were there. We left at about 4 am and arrived in Blowing Rock around 5:30. Madalyn was extremely good on the car ride up there. I had bought her some new toys for the ride, and leaving early allowed her to sleep for the first several hours of the trip so we were in South Carolina before she really even woke up.
We were welcomed to our cabin and our million dollar view by this beautiful rainbow.
The view from our back porch.
Shawn enjoying the view
Cousins.... I am certan they are going to be the best of friends!
And dont forgt Mr. Landon....
at 8/17/2008 07:55:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Madalyn 15 months, Vacation
Friday, August 15, 2008
Whew! Its been a whirlwind....
I have been such a slacker about updating this. We got back from NC last Saturday night and I worked Sunday, then had Monday and Tuesday to just try to catch up around the house, then back to work Wednesday for me, had to proctor EMT and Paramedic finals all day yesterday, had to go to a deposition this morning for work... and finally I am getting some "me" time. The house is quiet because Shawn and Madalyn are at his parents, and I am getting some time around here to just try and caught up on editing photos and paperwork.
I have had some soul searching to do as far as work is concerned... because I am very unhappy there. I love helping people, and I love learning about the body and how it works and all... but the 3 am toothache for a week calls are getting old. I am sick and tired of being tired all the time! So.... obviously I need to have something in the works. My dream would be to be super succcessful at photography and do that full time... but that would take a lot more start up costs then I have. So I am going to play that by ear and still work on it and learn as much as I can and try to build a great client base. I need to finish my bachelors... so for the last few classes I need I am going to take my prerequisites for PA school. I will apply to both nursing school and PA school next October (2009) So at least I have that on the horizon...
Shawn is applying for every job he comes accross. Say a prayer that something comes through for us. It has been such a strain on me working 2 jobs... and I am ready for a break, and to have more free time to devote to photography and school. Ideally we will find something that we can still keep Madalyn out of daycare and can just use my inlaws as a sitter and maybe a babysitter once in awhile.... but right now anything will work!
Gearing up for football season.... students come back this week and that means work will be twice as busy for me....
at 8/15/2008 10:11:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Update on Life