Saturday, August 23, 2008

Boo Boos and Owies

Well.... I broke my finger. Now, I am not a wimp.... and a broken finger isnt a really big deal... but its more than a broken finger. I SLAMMED my finger in an automatic fire door (read: SUPER DUPER HEAVY) and crushed the poor little thing. Now the pinky finger on my right hand looks like a grape lollipop. (I know this because Madalyn keeps trying to grab it, saying "oooh oooh" like she does when she wants a "sugary sweet.")

The story with my finger is that I was at the VA in Lake City (at 0500 in the morning believe it or not!) dropping off a patient and the automatic doors were broken. I had to muscle them open, but then when I went to shut them they slid really quickly and caught my finger. The door completely crushed my finger. It actually severed the bone, but because the skin wasnt cut it wasnt amputated. (THANK GOD!)

So I am officially off the road until September 1st, while my finger heals. It hurts A LOT, mostly because I hate keeping it bandaged and I constantly manage to bang it on something. I also had to get 4 or 5 stiches in the top of it where the pressure burst through the skin. Its NASTY. Not to mention the Tetanus shot I had to get!

Madalyn spent the first day trying to eat the bandage, and then my finger! I tried to explain to her about Mommy's boo boo, to which she pointed to her chest and said "boobie?" (Thanks to Shawn for teaching her that!) So then I said, "no Madalyn, an owie. Mommy has an owie." She cocked her head to the side and said "Allie?" We need a new word for injuries!


Julie said...

Oh my goodness, that does sound awful!! I hope you heal up real soon.

Do you know if you'll be working any Gator games this season? Hope to see you soon. :)

PS: That boobie part was too funny!