Friday, March 28, 2008

11 Month Update

Once upon a time when Madalyn was 11 weeks old I took her to the doctors office because she would not stop pulling on her ears and crying. I was worried that she had an ear infection because I had recently gone back to work and she was now bottlefed breastmilk. Once at the doctor's office the PA told me that Madalyn did not have an ear infection, rather she was teething. She felt her gums and told me that Madalyn would probably be one of those babies who cut teeth early. Teething! The horror to a breastfeeding Mommy to think of her not quite three month old getting teeth early!

Fast forward eight months, when Madalyn is just three weeks shy of her first birthday and still toothless! I guess the doctors dont always know what they are talking about. Madalyn has done quite well for a baby without teeth and has managed to enjoy pretty much every food that she possibly could. For days I would rub her gums, doing a daily check to see if there was the promise of a tooth anytime soon. I had pretty much given up hope! Really, it didnt matter to me when she actually got teeth, but as her mother I know how miserable it has been for her to be cutting teeth and drooling and miserable all of the time. Last Friday morning when I came home from a 48 hour shift I noticed a little speck of white in her mouth... and its her bottom tooth!

Madalyn is quite proud of her new tooth and to celebrate we bought her a toothbrush. Her toothbrush is a little pink care bear brush that sings "You Are My Sunshine" for two minutes to make sure you brush long enough. Madalyn is so excited when we give her the toothbrush! She knows to put it in her mouth (sometimes she gets confused as to which end actually brushes, but she is learning. :)

In a little less than two weeks Madalyn will be celebrating her first birthday. I for one cannot believe how amazingly fast this year has flown by and how many changes she has gone through. It is so incredible to see her little personality develop as she grows.

Two days ago we were out in the yard and Madalyn actually was digging through all of the leaves and pulling out the sticks and making herself a little pile of sticks. (Hmmm.... I wonder where she gets her sense of organization from?!)

She isnt quite walking, but will take a step or two before she realizes she is walking without holding something. It is definitely a confidence issue, because the kid can stand on her own for hours, and she can walk all over the place as long as she is pushing something.

Madalyn has started talking a little bit (as in talking so that Mommy can understand, it isnt perfectly clear yet.) She says "hi" and "duck" and will pretty much mimic anything that you say to her. The other morning she was sitting on the floor playing with Allie and she was pointing and yelling like she was telling Allie what to do. (Yes, I have a bossy baby.) It was so cute.

At about 6 months old, while out at breakfast, Madalyn happened to wave at a waitress who was talking to her. She got such a reaction from her waving that she realized it was the best way for her to get attention and since then she has waved at absolutley everyone. Well now, she has started waving, then acting bashful when people wave back. But as soon as they look away, there she is waving again.

Maddie and Alana BFF

Madalyn Easter Slideshow

Saturday, March 22, 2008





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Pretty Springtime Baby




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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Madalyn "TROUBLE" Swanson

If you ever wonder why you cant let Madalyn out of your site for even a second, here it is. I mean, I think I had my back turned for a total of 10 seconds, and in that time she had managed to pull all of the toilet paper off of the roll and was trying to eat it. The cutest thing was that she looked so proud of her accomplishment, like it never crossed her mind that the toilet paper had any other function other than being her toy of the moment. You cant help but laugh at her. It reminds me of the stories of her Auntie Jenna and dunking the remote controls in the toilet. Why did Jenna have a daughter like me who would sit and read books for hours, and I ended up with the one like Jenna who you cant let out of your site for a second?! All this and she isnt even walking yet....

The funniest part is that Madalyn has learned the word "NO" and she constantly tries to push the




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I Have Come to Realize

I have come to realize that there simply arent enough hours in the day.... that there will always be something left to do. I have come to realize that the smile on my daughters face is priceless, and nothing can or will ever warm my heart more. I have come to realize that the sound of children laughing is a melody that makes me melt. I have come to relize that time passes so quickly and babies grow too fast. I have come to realize that being a mother is the most amazing gift God could have ever given me. I have come to realize that a happy marriage takes work, but is very much worth the time and effort. I have come to realize that there is nothing more amazing than holding your child in your arms and watching her sleep.

If you had told me two years ago that today I would be happily married with a baby I would have laughed in your face. I have come to realize that God knows what is best for us, and that by opening your heart you can see what His plan is for you. I have come to realize that everything in my life makes me who I am today and that I should thank God every day for all of that he has given me.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Baby Bath Time

What can I say? I love my new camera. It is unbelievable. Really.




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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Landon Dale Martin

Landon Dale Martin, 6 weeks old

All Things Great and Small

Our friends Jim and Helene needed some work done on their house (so they can sell and move away, the crazies!) and they asked my darling husband to make a trip down here to do some work to fix up their house. Shawn, Madalyn and I made the trip down here for a long weekend so he could help them out, and the babies got to spend lots of time playing! Alana is ten weeks older than Madalyn and it is unreal what a difference those ten weeks make! Alana is a toddler in every sense of the word, while Maddie is still very much a baby. But they play together so well.... and they absolutely adore each other. Out brood of animals has had fun playing with Helene and Jim's two Boston terriers as well. Needless to say it has been a busy week juggling babies and puppies but it has been a lot of fun getting to spend time with old friends.

Puppy playtime!


PLaying in the puppy crate...

After all that fun, Madalyn is tuckered out!

Maddie, Savannah and Alana.... Girls just wanna have fun!
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Sunday Funday Orlando Style

Mommy and Baby.... she loves my sunglasses!


The Cavanaugh family (plus Ava!)

Miss Alana Cavanaugh.... 13 months

The girls....
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Maddie's visit to Twistee Treat

More ice cream pictures.... I cant resist because it was too cute! While visiting Jim and Helene in Orlando we took the kiddos to Twistee Treat for some ice cream. Maddie had tasted ice cream once before but I dont think she had caught on to how great it was until tonight. I was holding her and my cone and she decided to "taste" a little nibble, and obviously liked what she had! We attempted to share, but she wasnt into sharing it. Once she had that taste she fought me for the cone! She pulled it out of my hands and buried her face in the cone! When I tried to take it way from her she cried! Everyone at Twistee Treat was quite entertained, and I dont remember the last time i laughed that hard. Luckily we had a camera in the car to capture the moment!




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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

More 10 Month Photos




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