Our friends Jim and Helene needed some work done on their house (so they can sell and move away, the crazies!) and they asked my darling husband to make a trip down here to do some work to fix up their house. Shawn, Madalyn and I made the trip down here for a long weekend so he could help them out, and the babies got to spend lots of time playing! Alana is ten weeks older than Madalyn and it is unreal what a difference those ten weeks make! Alana is a toddler in every sense of the word, while Maddie is still very much a baby. But they play together so well.... and they absolutely adore each other. Out brood of animals has had fun playing with Helene and Jim's two Boston terriers as well. Needless to say it has been a busy week juggling babies and puppies but it has been a lot of fun getting to spend time with old friends.
Puppy playtime!
PLaying in the puppy crate...
After all that fun, Madalyn is tuckered out!
Maddie, Savannah and Alana.... Girls just wanna have fun!
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