Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Thirteen Month Update

Well, I know I didnt do a one year update. I was busy! But since I have some downtime (thanks to my new, supposedly busier station at work) I figure I can get it all down now.

One week after her first birthday Madalyn had her one year checkup, and shots. She weighed in at a whopping nineteen pounds! She is quite the tiny little thing to say the least. But oh so cute.

About two or three weeks ago she took a few tentative steps and then about a week ago it was like she realized "hey, I can walk!" and she was off. Now, she manages to walk pretty much everywhere. What a big girl!

Madalyn can say several words.... "Mama", "Dada" (which I think she calls herself Dada because whenever she sees the mirror or a picture of herself she yells Dada!") She has also said "duck" (I know I heard it!) and Gigi heard her say "bird." The cutest is when she says "Allie" (owwwie). She also says "oooohhhh" whenever she sees something she is really excited about.

She loves pretty much all foods... not so excited about eggs, and didnt really like the taste of sour cream. Her favorites are these things called Yogo Bits (they are like candy yogurt- absolutely disgusting.) She also LOVES fruit cocktail, which I think is the first food I have seen her eat without trying to share with the dogs. Yes, she shares. Which is rather adorable when she feeds the dogs from her high chair, but not so cute when she picks up a rawhide and attempts to gnaw on it. Luckily we have the world's most patient animals who just kiss her when she takes their bones. She can crawl all over Allie (owwwie) and pull her ears and her jowels, and all Allie does is turn around and give her a big sloppy kiss.


Jenna said...

She may weight 19 pounds, but I am not sure I would qualify her as "quite the tiny little thing"... she's still (and always will be!) a Chunk to me!

Turner Publishing said...

Good afternoon! I'm going around to all the Gainesville area bloggers/freelancers to let them know about our new book by a local author, the Historic Photos of Gainesville by Steve Rajtar. We'd love to send you a complimentary copy for possible review consideration on your blog of this book. This title is done in a large 10x10 format and all images used are culled from several archives that represent rare or never before seen photos of Gainesville. We're trying to get the word out to local folks, so I hope you don't mind me dropping you a line to let you know about our books! If you'd like one, shoot me an email back and supply a mailing address (I promise I'm not spam) or give me a call at the phone number listed below.
You can find the authors at a local signing on August 9th from 2-4pm at the Barnes & Noble located at Butler Plaza West.
Thanks so much and I hope to hear from you soon!