Saturday, September 06, 2008

Look What Maddie Can Do!

Madalyn now sleeps in a "big girl" bed. After many nights of putting her to bed in her crib only to listen to her cry, cry, cry and then VOMIT we decided it was time to take the crib rail down. Yes, I said vomit. She would gag herself (I am hoping unintentionally, but who knows?!) and then vomit all over the crib, her room, and herself. This happened almost every night for two weeks straight, so finally we decided maybe she hated the crib rail. Not to mention she would pile her stuffed animals up in the corner, climb on those and then try to get out of the crib.

We made a big deal about the big girl bed, and then bought her a little princess stool to go with her bed (to help her climb in and out.) Well, Madalyn discovered all the other uses of the stool....




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