Thursday, November 16, 2006

Baby girl Swanson

I will post pictures soon I promise... especially if Shawn gets to his parents to scan them and email them to me. Otherwise it will be tomorrow before they are posted. I have a video of the ultrasound but so far have been unable to actually figure out how to get it onto Youtube. So if anyone out there knows how to convert video files, please let me know! I would LOVE to figure it out... especially for when we have baby videos to post later on.

So my doctor actually came for my ultrasound.... he wanted to see if the Swansons were finally going to have a girl in the family! It was nice having him there so he could actually see her and not just get the report later on. This will be the first girl in Shawn's family... they have boy cousins, nephews and brothers... so I am sure she will be spoiled rotten. (Her Daddy will make sure of that!) Just as I suspected she was misbehaving... was sitting in my uterus with her legs crossed so it took almost half an hour before we could get a shot of her girl parts! Then she decided to take a nap and slept for a bit before the tech shook my belly to wake her up to try and see what she was. So uncooperative! Not that I expected anything else from this child... Jenna's baby is just like me as an infant... so I am certain I will have a baby Jenna.... a darling infant and a terrible toddler!

The ultrasound looked good... she is measuring right where she needs to be, which is what Ive worried about because I havent kept a whole lot of food down. Ive only gained one pound since my last visit... and I had actually lost a bunch since I became pregnant. She is 10 ounces... so she is pretty much the only extra weight I have right now. But its nice not to have to worry about all of the stuff that goes along with gaining too much weight. And my blood pressure was good.... so far, things are looking great. I did have what my doctor called an "amniotic band" which apparantly is very common... just scar tissue in my uterus that hopefully will just snap when my uterus expands more. Its kind of like a rubber band, and is no big deal as long as she doesnt get tangled up in it. He told me not to worry about is, so I will trust him. But I do get another ultrasound next month and probably every month until she is born... which will be neat to see her grow.

During the scan she was using my bladder as a trampoline, which was so funny because I suspected she might have done that! Whenever I sit for long periods of time I have to go to the bathroom so bad, regardless of if I have had anything to drink. She also sucked her thumb and was turning somersaults. The tech and my doctor are positive she is a girl... there are the telltale 3 little lines (which he called hamburger and buns.... gross!) in all of the pictures.

As far as names are concerned we are going to name her Madalyn for sure... just working on a middle name. I think we will call her Maddie for short... it is so exciting to see this little person growing inside of me that already has such a personality! Its like it isnt just a "smudge" anymore (though I think that nickname will stick!) and is actually our daughter. I have never ever seen Shawn so excited as he was yesterday... he called everyone and told them it was a girl. He will be such a great Daddy. : ) We went to the mall and went baby shopping... not that she will need much clothes as we have already inherited some of Savannah's but we wanted to buy something pink... so we bought the most adorable little dress with little pink flowers on it and a little white and pink onesie with rosebuds on it. I think Shawn would have bought everything pink if he could have!

Hopefully my next post will be pictures....


Liz said...

My first sonogram, Ella looked like a peanut... and obviously that nickname stuck - she was a peanut for Halloween!
You're going to be such a great mom. Isn't it weird that once you know the sex it just changes everything completely?

Anonymous said...

I think that is the best ultrasound that I have seen taken that early. Just had two friends give birth and got 3 others that are about to pop and then there is you. WOW! Its so amazing to see. Bet it feels amazing too! My day will come, maybe, gotta decide on a career or I am never gonna get out of school.