Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I get knocked down...

Ever feel like you just cant get ahead? I do, especially today. I really have tried to put 100% of myself into the things that I do... and sometimes I feel like it isnt worth it. I wanted more than anything to be a Firefighter Paramedic. I remember calling my parents and telling them that I wanted to take a break from school to pursue fire rescue as my career. I wanted so badly to be able to help people and to be able to challenge myself on a daily basis. I also wanted more than anything to be a part of the fire department family. It was hard to convince my parents of these things, and for the first time in my life I felt like they didnt agree with a decision I was making. But I did it any way, and worked hard to get into school. I sped through EMT, Fire Fighter One, Paramedic, and Fire Fighter Two so that I could get a job doing what I knew I would love. I remember so well the day that I graduated from the Fire Academy... it meant more to me than anything I had ever accomplished. I remember testing for a job with ACFR and finding out that I achieved the highest score in the history of the exam for a job. I remember the day I got sworn into the department after having been there almost a year. It was by far my greatest accomplishment.

I love my job. I love helping people. I love taking a patient to the ER and giving my report, and having a doctor tell me that I did a great job with the patient. I love holding people's hands when they are upset or scared and being able to reassure them.

Unfortunately, however, my job does not love me. I used to feel so confident at work, was so certain of who I was and what I was doing. Now I feel like every time I turn around I am getting hit with more negativity and I honestly dont know how much more I can take.

I stopped by the station today to talk to a very dear friend of mine, someone I have known for many years and has always treated me like a daughter of his. I wanted to fill him in on some things. He is in charge of scheduling during the week days. During our conversation he asked me how long I was planning to stay on the road before I went to light duty. I told him as long as I possibly could, because I love my job and am in no way cut out for working in the office 40 hours a week. He mentioned to me that he had gotten into trouble because of me. I am in a staffing position, which means that I basically fill in the empty spots where people have taken vacation days. I hate staffing more than anything and miss having my own truck and station, but I deal with it because these are the things that you do while working for the fire department. The past few weeks one of the Rescue Lieutenants that works at a slower station has been out after having shoulder surgery and so his slot has been opened. For 2 shifts I was stationed there. On the first of the 2 shifts someone apparently called our Deputy Chief and complained that I was at a slow station "because I was pregnant." The Chief then called the scheduling office and made a big deal about me being given special treatment. I dont understand who would ever make such a big deal about this. I really dont. My friend explained to him that I am on staffing, and staffing people fill in the holes when people are out.... and thats the way it works. There was no special treatment at all.

I am so frustrated about this! I mean... I am really trying to do the best that I can. I am working more than full time, plus am in school full time, and on top of that am dealing with being pregnant. This is the first week I have felt halfway decent since July! I dont know how to react. I am so hurt over this... and I want nothing more than to just be able to go to work and love my job again. But I feel like I have been stabbed in the back so many times by this department... and I thought the fire department was a family. When people in your family have a lot going on in their lives, you are there for them and support them and help them in whatever way you can. I must not be a member of the family then, because it seems that not only do I not get any help, I get knocked down at every opportunity.

I dont know what to do anymore. I know I am going to go to nursing school. But being an RN is so far away.... we are talking years before I can change careers. All I know is it is getting harder and harder to hold my head up.


Beth said...

Jaime I just want to say that you are an amazing paramedic and I learned so much from you. Whoever called the department is just jealous because they aren't as amazing as you. You do what you need to do to get your job done and help people along the way. It is truly amazing everything you are doing. Keep holding your head up high because you will get through it and I am always here if you wanna talk. Keep up the amazing work that you do and you can achieve what you want no matter what other people say.

Jenna said...

Chin up, sis. You will become an even stronger woman through all of this- don't let the man keep you down. I love you.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it any better than Beth. You are awesome girl, don't let these things bring you down. A smart woman with a great job and a good head on her shoulders trying to start and raise a family. This is what women have worked hard for for the past 40 years. Eventually, one day, we'll succeed in proving to men that we can do all of the above even when we have been doing it all along. Keep up the fight! I've got your back.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...
