Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Week 34, house contract signed!

Well, as of tomorrow I am finished my 34th week and start my 35th! It is crazy how time is flying by. I saw the doctor yesterday and he said everything looks good... she is still head down and her "growth spurt" seems to have evened off because now I am measuring 32.5 weeks instead of 33.5. So much for Shawn's wish of a 9 pound baby! I will have another ultrasound before she is born, probably at my 36 or 37 week appointment. I go back in 2 weeks from today, at the end of my 35th week, then will see him weekly after that. Its getting close now!

We signed a contract on the house yesterday.... we actually got it for $9000 less than the asking price, and the asking price was probably $30,000 less then what they could have gotten the house sold for compared to the values in this area. The people who are selling the house are very nice and so far have made this experience very very easy for us. The lady even offered to come help paint as soon as we close so that we can get the fumes out before Madalyn is here! We meet with our mortgage guy today and then will fax the contract to Brad who is doing our legal stuff.... and our mortgage guy is one of Brad's best friends and fraternity brothers from college. It has been very nice and convienent to have people we know helping us with the details, and so far our first home buying experience has been painless and easy.

So this next month will consist of getting as much stuff together as possible while waiting for the closing date and the baby's birthday to come. As of right now we close March 31st, and should know more today after we meet with Ace. As far as I know from this point it is just the bank seeing if they want to buy the house at that much money.... and hopefully they will agree to it and everything will continue to go smoothly.

Shawn started softball season last night... he plays with some guys from work and high school out at the local sports park every Tuesday night. We didnt get home until late and were pretty exhausted since it was a long day. Today is my birthday, and other than signing the loan paperwork I dont think we have anything exciting planned. Some of my friends have called to see if we were going to do something.... but I am definitely showing my age (and the fact that Im VERY pregnant!) when I say I would be happier staying in and making dinner together then going anywhere special!

Plus what better birthday present can you ask for then buying a house with the man that you love right before your first daughter is born? I mean, really.... it doesnt get any better than this.