Friday, September 15, 2006

Giving blogging a shot

Well, since my sister is the most expert blogger in the entire world, I figured that I better catch up! It just dawned on me today how much I love to go to her blog and read about her life and what Savannah is doing these days (you better get crawling girl, how else are you going to give your Mommy a taste of her own medicine?!) So I figured that I should start, especially at this time in my life... because I will never get these days back.

When I found out I was pregnant I remember pulling up Jenna's blog to read exactly what she was going through, when she had her doctors appointments, what they did at each appointment... and it was such a great source of information for me. It was like she was right there with me telling me what to expect.

I probably wont be as good at this as she is, but I am certainly going to try! I will have to go back a few months and tell the story... but hang in there and everyone will be up to speed and you can follow the saga from there... And leave comments!