Nothing in life is ever easy..... and neither was getting Madalyn's crib. I had been looking pretty much ever since I knew I was pregnant for the "perfect crib". I am picky... so it was no easy feat to say the least. Especially since I was running into the problem of having two different colors... white and antique white. White is white... antique white is more of a vanilla color. Very pretty, but very different colors when you put them next to each other. FINALLY I found THE CRIB at JCPenney, in the regular white. Grandma Hill ordered it for me as a gift and we had it shipped to the JCPenney store in Gainesville. She had done the same with Jenna's crib last year but in Ocala.
So yesterday I called to see if the crib was in Gainesville, so I could coordinate with Carey and Zach how we would pick it up using their truck. They told me it was showing in the computer but noone had checked the boxes for sure, so they would call me back. I asked if I would be able to pick it up today if it was indeed there and they said yes, just bring ID and the credit card used to purchase the crib. Here began the problem.
Mom bought the crib and lives almost 4 hours away. I explained this to them, and they said they would need her to come up here and show the car so they could "get paid" for the crib. This made me irate as the purchase had already been charged to the card 2 days ago. I explained this to the woman, who said she couldnt help me, so I asked to speak to her manager. The manager was a not very nice woman who basically told me that Mom had to come here for us to get the crib. I told her this was not an option as we had already been charged for the crib. She said we should have said it was gift when we purchased it. I told her that there wasnt an option online to do this. She still was refusing to help me and as a hormonal pregnant woman I was not having it. I told her that I know that it is possible for us to get the crib because Jenna had gotten hers from JCPenney. At this point she told me I must be mistaken because JCPenney would never have released the crib to her without the credit card. I told her that it must just be that the employees in Ocala were far less bitchy than those in Gainesville. Finally she agreed to give us the crib if mom would fax her credit card and her drivers license to the store so they could verify it. Mom wasnt pleased with this as it is illegal to ask for both. So SHE called the store and spent 40 minutes arguing with that manager and then the store manager.
Long story short, she faxed what I needed to work, and I went by there to get the fax, then went to JCPenney and dealt with some incredibly incompetent people to get the crib and mattress. Finally after about 40 minutes we got the package just as Zach and Carey arrived and we loaded everything up to go home.
We get home, and unpack the crib... and turns out what was advertised as "white" should have been advertised as "antique white"! Wrong color crib! By that point in time I was so exhausted by the entire thing that I just said screw it.... Madalyn will never notice the difference in the two colors.... and even if she did there are way more important things to worry about. Plus the crib is beautiful, even if it is the wrong color. We put the sheets and the bumper on it and they look absolutely adorable!
So now all we need is the chair and baby's room is complete except for the little things....
Saturday, January 27, 2007
The Crib Fiasco
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Let It Go
To say the very least this inspired me. In light of they way things have been going lately, I found this to be so comforting.
Let it go for 2007..
By T. D. Jakes
There are people who can walk away from you.
And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk. I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone.
When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.
The bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19]
People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay.
Let them go.
And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person it just means that their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead. You've got to know when it's dead.
You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell you something. I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it. Stop begging people to stay.
Let them go!!
If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to......
If you are holding on to past hurts and pains ......
If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth. ....
If someone has angered you .
If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge......
If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction......
If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents.......
If you have a bad attitude.......
If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better......
If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him......
If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship.......
If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help
If you're feeling depressed and stressed .........
If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handl ing
yourself and God is saying "take your hands off of it," then you need to......
Let the past be the past. Forget the former things. GOD is doing a new thing for 2007!!!
Get Right or Get Left .. think about it, and then...
I could have eaten jelly beans!
Well Friday I had my last Glucose tolerance test... should find out the results tomorrow or Tuesday. I am so greatful not to have to taste that stuff again for a long time! Plus they had to stick me 7 times for the 4 tubes of blood that they needed, so my poor arms and hands are all bruised. And as Im sitting there (this time they were nice enough to let me come to the back and sit in a recliner instead of the hard chairs in the waiting room!) and reading my "What to Expect" book they are talking about how for the glucose test you can eat a certain number of jelly beans instead of drinking the crappy stuff. Why didnt my doctor tell me that?! I wouldnt have minded eating jelly beans that many times!
After my test I treated myself to a maternity massage and it was wonderful. So relaxing! Then yesterday i had my hair cut and highlighted/lowlighted.... so I am feeling much better!
Work today has been boring as usual. Just trying to pass the time until dinner and bed, then have to go to physical therapy before I can make it home for the day. We start our childbirth classes tomorrow night so that should be fun!
This weekend we got to spend a lot of time with our friends.... Friday we had about 15 people or so over for a seafood fest... oysters on the grill, shrimp and crab legs. The Saturday Shawn watched Kaia in the morning and then had the boys over in the afternoon to watch the game. Last night we just hung around the house and listened to music and relaxed and enjoyed each others company. It was a great night.
I ordered the crib today and it should be at the store within a week.... Carey is going to let us use her truck to go get it so hopefully by this time next week I will have pictures of that to put up on here! :)
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
As I was laying wide awake last night in bed because Madalyn has decided that late nights are her playtime, I had a lot of quiet time to think about all of the changes that have happened in my life over the past year. So much has happened, both good and bad... but looking back at everything I can only say how much stronger of a person that I have become because of it all.
A year ago I was single and absolutely loving life. If you had told me then I would be happily settled down now I would have laughed in your face. I was petrified to open up to anyone and to trust them with anything at all... then along came Shawn. Because we were friends first, I found myself able to share things with him that I hadnt been able to tell people before. We had fun together. It was easy to spend time with him, and there never was any drama... just this incredibly comfortable feeling. After a few months of casually dating we ended up one night at Los Margaritas... and that was the last time I was officially single.
That dinner changed everything. We both sat there and commented on how ridiculous it was that it had taken us so long to get to the point where were were ready to settle down. We laughed and shared our dreams and our hopes for the future... and while I had felt myself falling for him for some time, it was the first time that I was able to admit to myself that I loved him. It truly was one of the best nights of my life... and one I know I will never forget. From that point on I dont think we have spent a night apart that I wasnt at work.
Having a baby with him has been the greatest gift I have ever been given. I think that being pregnant with our daughter has saved my life. It has made me reevaluate my priorities and see what is important in life, and this pregnancy has challenged me in so many ways. Not only have I had to start learning what it will take to be a mother, I have had to adjust to my body not necessarily accepting all of the pregnancy hormones. For the first time in my life I am not always healthy and active and more often than not feel exhausted and sick. But every time she moves (even when she keeps me up all night long!) I am reminded that in just 12 weeks or less I will be able to hold our daughter and she will be here for real.
Being pregnant has changed who I am to everyone else as well. No longer am I the party Jaime that always plans the nights out or the dinners or the parties... but I am still the person that cares about those in my life. This experience has taught me that it is not quantity of friends that surround you that is whats important, but the quality. People whom I have always assumed would be there for me have dissappeared, but in their place have been people who have become more dear to me than anything. I never in my life expected so much would change for me once I became "settled down", but it really has. I think I had always assumed that the people in my life would just be there in a different way than a drinking buddy or party friend... and it has been hard to accept that in most cases this has not been true. But once the sadness cleared, I see all of these people who want to be a part of our lives, and who love Shawn and I and our daughter... and we are truly blessed to have that.
I had never pictured having to take time off of working on the road, and it was hard for me to admit that I had to see someone for my knee, knowing that it was probably the last day I would work on the road until after Madalyn was born. But maybe that was God's way of protecting me and my daughter... and if I had ignored it there is no telling what might have happened to either one of us due to me being too stubborn to admit it was safer to go on light duty. Having the possibility of knee surgery hanging over my head is not a comforting feeling... but it is much better than knowing that my stupid determination hurt myself or the baby.
I think of my life and all that I have, and I truly thank God for granting me the opportunity to become a wife and a mother. While there is some sadness as I remember the fun times that I used to have, there is no greater joy in the world then laying in bed with Shawn and him having his hand on my stomach and us being able to feel our daughter move inside of me. Nothing has ever made me happier than hearing him ask me to be his wife, or seeing the look on his face when we first saw our baby on ultrasound and learned that we were having a little girl. These are the moments that define our lives, and I am greatful for every second that I am allowed to live *this* life.
Monday, January 15, 2007
I LOVE flat orange soda
The glucola test tastes like flat orange soda... but not Sunkist orange soda... more like some yucky cheap brand. It really is pretty disgusting. I should know this because I have had quite a bit of experience with this over the past month. Lets see.... took the one hour test, failed it with a 152 of 130. The took the 3 hour test and passed with perfectly normal results. On Friday took the 1 hour test again... and failed with a 137. So guess what? I get to take the 3 hour test again... which means getting stuck 4 more times. And while my hematocrit has come up somewhat from my last test it is still low... which means I get to take a second iron pill each day. :) I think while I personally like being pregnant, my body definitely has other plans!
We had our 27 week appointment on Thursday, and an ultrasound. Miss Madalyn is actually measuring big for her age and looks to be about a week ahead of where "normal" is, but the tech thinks it may have been because she just had a growth spurt. The amniotic band that they were worried about is pushed way up against my uterus so it doesnt even show on ultrasound anymore. I think that was probably my last ultrasound until she is born. Its getting harder to actually see all of her because she is big... what a difference from her 10 weeks ago! She was nestled up in the back of my uterus and was cuddling with my spinal cord, which explains all of the sciatic nerve pain I have been experiencing! Everything looked great with her and we got to see her heart up close... all 4 chambers, which was really neat to see it beating. The doctor was happy with everything he saw as far as weight and blood pressure... so everthing looks good. (Except for me hating the glucola drink!)
This weekend we got to see my mom who came to Crystal River for a dog show. She brought us a Pack and Play which actually came in handy on Sunday night when our friend Zach's daughter spent the night with us. Kaia is 2 years old and absolutely adorable... not to mention a handful. She was good for us though... I gave her a bath while the boys hung out, then combed her hair and got her all tucked in. Allie kept trying to go in that room and check on her... it was so cute. Shawn actually watched her for some of the morning today. Its so cute to see him play "Daddy" with her... we definitely cant wait until our own little bundle is here!
Our party went well... we had lots of our friends around and the Mexican food was a hit! It was fun to have our friends over and to be able to see them since it has been awhile since we have gone out and done a whole lot socially. It meant a lot to us to have the people that came to share in our excitement, especially those who made a trip from out of town to spend time with us. It was really special to us to have them all around. Allie had a blast playing with the kids that were over here... though her left hind leg has been bothering her a little bit and at one point I had to put her in her crate just so she would stop running around because she would run then start limping! I think she may have just pulled a muscle while she was outside terrorizing our lawn with her heavy footing!
I started PT today... the guy was very nice, and seemed very positive that while he suspects my lateral meniscus or my LCL are torn therapy will help a lot, if not prevent surgery. And if I DO have surgery, at least my accessory muscles are prepared to recover more quickly. He said my knee is definitely swollen compared to the other one, and it appears my thigh has atrophied slightly from using different muscles to correct it, both of which indicate that there is something going on. So I will see him or this other lady twice a week for awhile, and I see the ortho doctor on Thursday so I should know something more then. Its shaping up to be a busy week!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Here are my belly pictures... finally! 26 weeks, 4 days pregnant decked out in some Gator Gear! (Non- maternity shirts... dont think they will fit for much longer!
CONGRATS to the Gators... 2006 National Champions for football and basketball!
We went to our friend Zeke and Chris's house to watch the game, which was a lot of fun. They have 3 little girls and 4th baby on the way in July so there were lots of little ones running around. It was great to get together with everyone and to be socializing. It was like a middle school dance though- boys outside with the bonfire and girls inside watching the game and talking weddings and babies. We had been planning to leave at halftime but ended up staying the whole game. I was absolutely exhausted this morning though when I tried to get up for work!
Back to the doctor this morning... saw yet a different doctor, one who used to work at AGH in the ER so I had a little bit more faith in him. He also believes it may be a torn meniscus or ligament. He wanted me to do physical therapy and wasnt sure why they havent set it up yet... and he finally was the one to refer me to an orthopedist. So at least now I can see someone who deals with just knee injuries and not a general practitioner.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Madalyn's Room 1/2007
Western Vacation pictures
Here are pictures from our vacation out West in September.... | View Show | Create Your Own
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Last week of the second trimester
I am now almost halfway through the last week of my second trimester... I cant believe it! On Thursday we will start the 13 week countdown until our little baby is here. April seems so far away, but thinking of it in terms of weeks makes it seem like such a short time until we get to meet our daughter. On Thursday we have our 27 week appointment and ultrasound, so I will have some pictures of Miss Madalyn to post. It really seems like just yesterday I was seeing her heartbeat at 6 weeks!
Shawn and I are already practicing for those sleepless nights! I have become quite the insomniac these days, which means he is up as well. Every time I lay down I feel like I cant breathe, and when I move to get her to shift to a different part of my uterus, she always chooses my bladder area, so then there are the umpteen million bathroom trips all night. Poor Allie (who gets up to check on me every time I get up to go to the bathroom) doesnt get any sleep either! Last night I tried sleeping in the guest room for a little bit, but I couldnt sleep in there either and figured at least my own bed was more comfortable to toss and turn in! I think I need to learn to sleep sitting up... time to go rocking chair shopping!
Grandma Swanson bought some more pink stuff for the baby... this time a cute little plate with pink piggies on it... I think she is finally beginning to believe she may get a granddaughter after all!
This week we officially picked a wedding date and site... we will be getting married October 20th at Eventfuls in Newberry. Thats the day after my parents wedding anniversary, and Im pretty certain Shawn's parents got married in October as well. We are trying to get as much of the "big" wedding stuff taken care of before Madalyn joins us, so we arent juggling too much with the baby and wedding all at once. I only want to have to do the fun stuff after she is here... none of the hard work and coordinating!
We HAVE to take come belly pictures and get them on here... I am ashamed of myself that I havent taken any as of yet. At least now I look pregnant and not just like I have a big beer belly! And those prenatal vitamins are finally starting to make a difference... my hair and nails grow so fast! I am going to try to take advantage of it while I can.
Work update... still on light duty, and looks like this will be it for the long haul, even though I despise office work! I talked to the risk management lady and she seems to think that until I can be properly evaluated I will be unable to return to duty, and I cant be properly evaluated without an MRI and I cant have one of those until the baby is born. So... looks like this will be my home until she is here.... which sucks, but it safer for her and I have to keep reminding myself of that. But I really DO miss running calls and being at my own station with my own partner and all. But I go back to the doctor sometime this week and we will see what he has to say... then we will know for sure what I will be doing.