Sunday, June 24, 2007

11 Weeks old

She's going for a walk in the "big girl" part of her stroller. She loves being able to look forward and see where we are going.

She was talking to Mommy here.... Im not quite sure what she was saying but she sure was happy about sharing it!

What a happy baby! Its so hard to catch a real smile on camera, but I think I got pretty close this time.

I think I could take a million pictures of her sleeping... she looks so peaceful during her little naps. What an angel.

She's sitting up here, with some help from Mommy. What a big girl!

Today Madalyn is 11 weeks old. I cant believe how fast she is growing up! She has learned to wiggle around in her crib and can completely turn herself around while she is sleeping. She wants so badly to be mobile! Right now she is laying on her quilt on the living room floor and she is absolutely fascinated with her feet and keeps trying to scoot around on the blanket while on her back. If we put her on her tummy then she immediately draws her legs underneath her and lifts herself up trying to crawl. Right now though we are glad she can stay where she is... our house isnt quite childproofed!

We are still in the rental house, getting ready to pack and make the big move one street over. There is so much work to be done at the other house though... Shawn is putting in really long days over there when I am off. Our bathrooms still arent finished (something about him getting bored with that project and moving on to something else for a little while.) We really need to enclose our laundry room, which he is working on as we speak. It needs to be secure so we can put our washer and dryer in it, as well as have a secure place to store his tools. Right now they are all in the house, so once those have a "home" we will have space to move our furniture in. But from the looks of things the laundry room will be HUGE... and all enclosed and insulated so eventually we can run air conditioner out there and include that in the square footage we advertise for the house. There will be room enough for a small workshop area, plus our deep freezer and storage for all of our Sams shopping trips.

Needless to say I am getting excited (and yes, a little bit stressed!) about moving into OUR home...