Monday, June 18, 2007

Madalyn 10 Weeks

Here she is during "tummy time!" Madalyn always likes to look around and see new things.

Allie loves to look baby toes!

Taking a cat nap on her Boppy... what an angel.

Talking to her Puppy.

Trying to get her puppy to sing to her

Well Madalyn is 10 weeks old as of Sunday. She got to spend Fathers Day with Daddy and the Swanson family because I had to work. I think her and Daddy have settled into a good routine on the days that I go to work... it seems to involve a lot of playtime! She has gotten much better at taking a bottle and he is able to get her to take a pacifier from him. Tonight not only did she take a pacifier from me in her crib but all I had to do was get it near her mouth and she pushed it her and held it there with her hand all by herself!

Madalyn is pretty much holding her head up on her own... and she constantly pulls herself to a standing position on my lap and looks around. She is so animated. She loves talking to her toys.

This week Gigi sent her some toys in the mail. One is a Laugh and Play puppy that both her and Allie are infatuated by. She manages to bump the buttons to make it sing when she is moving her arms and legs around and then she coos at it while it sings. She loves to talk and carry on conversations with me and her toys... it is so adorable.

Work is well though it has been an adjustment getting used to working and coming home and having to be a Mom instead of climbing into bed and sleeping all day. Luckily Madalyn loves to snuggle in bed and has been able to afford me small naps during the day.

The house is coming along... Shawn completed some beautiful built in shelves in Madalyn's bathroom. It was a great use of normally unused space. We are getting down to crunch time... we have about 6 more weeks until our lease is up here. All of the plumbing is done for the time being, which is good. Shawn is in the process of finishing up Maddie's bathroom hopefully this week, then on to the kitchen!


Liz said...

That picture of her sleeping on the boppy is priceless. She is so beautiful. That puppy was one of Ella's favorites for the longest time as well. Until Mommy got sick of it and hid it. Hahaha