Thursday, June 07, 2007

Madalyn Week 8

It is absolutely amazing to me how big Miss Madalyn has gotten over the past two months. Each day it seems that I get to learn a little bit more about her personality. She always seems so eager to learn new things and every minute that she is awake she is taking in all of her surroundings. She hates to nap during the day for fear she will miss something. The tradeoff to that is that she ends up sleeping for 8 hours at nighttime, only waking up once to be fed around 3 am, then she wakes up for the day at 6:30. I always bring her into bed with me then for some snuggle time, and she will go back to sleep until 10 or 11 sometimes. Her favorite thing is when I sing to her... which I am certainly no singer, but she doesnt seem to mind if I am offtune. Tomorrow is her two month birthday and unfortunately I have to bring her to the doctor to get her shots, which I am certain will break my heart to see her get stuck with needles!