Friday, June 01, 2007

7 Weeks~

Miss Madalyn Jean is 7 weeks old. Well, I am a little late with this post, so she is actually close to 8 weeks old (2 months can you believe it?!) She is so wonderful... an absolute doll. It is amazing how much her personality has developed, especially over the last week.

In the mornings, she wakes up about 6:30 or so and is ready to start the day. Mommy, however, is not so keen on getting up the early. So I bring her into bed with us and feed her and play with her for about 45 minutes or so, then she will go back to sleep. Those morning times are so special... because she will try to move as close to me as she can and snuggle in and fall asleep. I love watching her sleep... and as excited as I am for her to get bigger and be able to do more and explore more... I know that I will miss these days where I can just hold her and watch her sleep in my arms.

When she starts to wake up, usually around 9:30 or 10, she wakes up and is so happy. She is definitely a morning baby. She lays there and coos at me and smiles and will kick her legs and move her arms around and stare at her friend the ceiling fan. Madalyn loves to "talk" and her favorite past time is cooing at the stickers I placed on the underside of her changing table's hutch. She can be crying and if I lay her down to change her diaper she is instantly smiling and cooing at her dolphin and whale friends.

During the day she is very happy in the mornings, and will get a little cranky as the day progresses, mostly because she hates the idea of taking a nap! She will nod off and then as soon as she is laid down in her crib she wakes herself up because she thinks she is missing something.

This evening she was sitting on my lap facing my chest and she had her legs underneath her and she stood up and pushed herself off of my chest to look at me. I moved my hands and she was standing all by herself on my lap... I was so amazed. She looked so proud of herself.

I love being a mom. it is the most wonderful thing in the entire world.