Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day 20 and 21: What a Weekend~

Its been a whirlwind! We left last night for a trip to Orlando. We of course stayed up too late visiting with Jeff and Casey, and 7 am came way too early for me! I had shoots starting at 8 in Orlando, and that lasted until 12 when I left one site and went to another, finishing up around 4:30. Oh, and had to stop at IKEA (an experience in and of itself to say the least!) So it has been long and crazy... busy busy busy and now I have 5 shoots to edit this week! But it was great fun to see Jeff and Casey, and Helene and Jim as well as visit with one of my favorite families from shoots in July!

But for now, off to bed....


Julie said...

Woohoo! IKEA. We stayed so long when we went that we actually ate dinner there. Hope you had a great time!