Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day 25:Gloomy Day

Why is it that gloomy, overcast days make you want to stay in your pyjamas all day and do absolutely nothing? Thats what I did today. Well, the pyjamas anyway. I couldn't possibly do nothing... I got all of my paperwork up to date for the business which took some time. And then I edited photos (still working on the ones from this past weekend!) I have to work a 48 hour shift tomorrow and Friday. Is it wrong that I am praying the rain sticks around so there wont be as many drunk partiers for Homecoming? (Yes I love the Gators, but I do not so much love those who have to get drunk and obnoxious to celebrate loving the Gators.)

Madalyn was happy to hang out in her PJs today as well... we had a pyjama party. As I type this she is attempting to take off her diaper with her shorts still on. This is getting to be a problem. She is SO ready to start potty training... she hates her diapers.

The little bugger napped until almost 7 this evening! So Im sure she wont be ready for bed when I am ready for bed in half an hour!


Jenna said...

Did you take a leap across the pond? Only Brits call their jammies pYjamas....

In our house we call them Jammie Jams :)