Thursday, March 15, 2007

36 Weeks!

Well I had my 36 week appointment yesterday.... and its so hard to believe I go every week now! We scheduled me for an ultrasound in 2 weeks... I think it is March 27th but I dont know offhand. He says shes still head down, which is good... and Im still measuring a week small... so much for monster baby! I feel huge... so its nice to hear Im small in some way! :) Everything looked great... I had only gained 2 pounds, which is what I am suppossed to gain... and my blood pressure was perfect, so it seems everything has finally regulated itself and Im right where I should be.

The baby is really active, but she seems to already be on a schedule. Shes super busy before bed, and wakes me up at 6:30 every morning (believe it or not, it has been 7:30 this week when she starts kicking! She has figured out daylight savings time!) Its really interesting how she seems already to know about daytime and nighttime. It probably helps that Im able to sleep at work and not be up running calls because that means I sleep most nights (well I lay down most nights... I sleep between the 12 nightly trips to the bathroom)

Amber is in town this week and we went to lunch yesterday and she came over and hung out last night. We had a lot of fun... even just bumming around on the couch watching American Idol and all. Its nice to have friends who understand Im still love to hang out but am just not up for going downtown or out to clubs anymore!

This week I am trying to get some ideas for the house... mostly thinking of paint. It is frustrating not to know if we are definitely going to be moving or not... but its still nice to let my creative side come out. I found the perfect bedspread for our room... the LAST thing we NEED, but something that would make our room look really great. I also saw an idea on HGTV to actually make a headboard out of wood and foam and different panels of a fabric that would be super cheap and look very cool.