Sunday, March 11, 2007

Week 35

I can hardly believe there are now 35 weeks behind us. We have a little over 4 weeks left to go assuming she comes on time. And these next few weeks are jam packed so Im sure time will fly by and she will be here before we know it. Her room is pretty much all put together... we even have diapers for her! I guess now its time to learn how to get the car seat installed in the car so when the time comes we already know how to do that. My friend Kristi asked me if I had my bag packed for the hospital (Which I dont as of yet) and she told me I definitely need to get that stuff together and fairly soon. Truth is I hadnt even really thought about what I will pack. So if there are any suggestions on what to bring let me know!

We have been saving our change for about 6 months... waiting for a "rainy day." Today on a whim we decided to cash it in and buy a nice dinner with the money... and turns out we had $122! So we bought some Porterhouse steaks and crab legs and are making dinner here. Now that I know how much it adds up I will certainly be better about hanging on to my change!

We went and saw our friend Brian Minnich today. It was the first time I have seen him since his trial and Shawn saw him while he was at the county jail just before Christmas. I was pleasantly surprised at how good he looked... and he seems to be holding up better than I had anticipated. It was a little strange at first... but after we adjusted to the guards walking around and watching us it was just like our old double dates at Pizza Hut! We had a good time hanging out with him, and hope to make it out there at least one more time before Madalyn is here.

We are using our baby pool as a way to help raise a little money for him... which is nice because a lot of our friends want to give him some money to help out with incidentals and all, but cant part with enough to make it worth the effort to put it in his account, so this way we can give something back to him who has given so much to us. His vote is that she will be born April 1st and weight 8 pounds 7 ounces. I will be posting peoples predictions on here as well to share with everyone!

Things are still up in the air as far as the house is concerned... waiting to hear on the mortgage approval and I gave the sellers the final contract to sign and get back to me by Friday afternoon and its been all weekend and still no word from them. I dont know if there is a problem with the contingencies we had on there (that the place be vacated by the tenants and all damages incurred by them be taken care of prior to our closing) or if they have just been busy. Either way I have been trying to not stress about it and just relax.

My semester is almost over believe it or not... I have one more test in each class and a term paper in each class and then I am finished! I have 2 more classes that start at the end of March but they are online as well so they shouldnt take up too much time.

I see the doctor on Wednesday and will be posting an update about that.