Tuesday, March 06, 2007

House Update

Well we DID get financing for the house.... so all of the paperwork is being processed. I wont believe until we have a check in hand... but as far as we have been told it looks like it will work out. We will be paying more money than originally thought, but can refinance in a year and hopefully be paying less then. So this year we will be living very frugally.... but that will keep us out of trouble anyways, and who has time to spend money on fun stuff with a new baby? So I think it will work out okay.

Yesterday was our home inspection... we kind of had a struggled getting over there and dealing with the current tenants.... they didnt return the owners phone calls all weekend and then when they did said they didnt want people in the house unless they were there (which legally they cant do as long as they had 24 hours of notice which they had) So the owners tried to reschedule... but I told them no, that we had planned this 4 days ago and had met with the inspector and would be there at 4... so we started on the outside and stalled enough until the guy came home. We only had 10 days to complete the inspection, which is Friday... and Shawn is working today and tomorrow and I work Wednesday and then Thursday night... so it was yesterday or Friday basically.

I am worried that the tenants are going to cause problem. They pnly pay $750 a month for rent (which is about $200 lower than everything else around here!) and they are going to be hardpressed to find something that cheap anywhere around here, and with 5 kids living there its going to be hard to find anything big enough for them!) They arent the classiest of people to say the least... and they live in absolute filth. I will be taking pictures of the inside of the house, but chose not to share the ones I did take because it is so disgusting! But from these pictures you can see the yard and the back of the house.

Madalyn has been really really active the past few days... wiggling around and kicking me a lot. I had quite a few contractions yesterday as well.... Im sure they were Braxton Hicks contractions but its the most of those that I have had throughout my pregnancy. I cant believe how close it is until she is here. Today I am putting away the rest of the clothes that Jenna sent home with us this weekend.... I only kept the newborn stuff out in the drawers and closet and have packed everything else in rubbermaids in her closet.

We are contemplating a change in wedding plans.... with the whole house buying thing we have been leaning in the direction of having a VERY small (family only) wedding, maybe on the beach somewhere, and then eating dinner at a nice resturaunt. If we do that it will probably be over the summer sometime.... and while its not the big wedding we had been thinking, I think it will be easier with a new house and a new baby to scratch all that planning. Shawn and I know that we want to be married, and really the only thing stopping us from going to the courthouse and getting married is wanting to share it with our families. Plus we could take what has been earmarked towards wedding money and put it into the house, even if it just sits in savings it will cut down on the stress level of money for the next year.

Also, Shawn is setting up a MSN group for Madalyn so we can email pictures and baby updates and all.... so if you read this regularly and want to be added to the group send me an email at emtgatorgirl@Hotmail.com so we can get you added....