Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Looks like more light duty

So today had my recheck at the doctors for my knee and he was much better than the first doctor that I saw. But he didnt have good news... He thinks I possibly have some torn cartilage, which basically means a torn meniscus... but wants an MRI to be sure. I would need surgery to fix it... but no surgeon will want to operate on me being pregnant. So... leave there with the idea that I am going for an MRI to figure out exactly what we are looking at... but then get a call back that the MRI place wont do one while I am pregnant. Long story short, still on light duty, and looks like for awhile because noone can do anything for until Madalyn is born, but cant come back to work until my knee is better. So this is my new home (scheduling) for now. It sucks... I want to be on the road so badly... and this is so boring. I am trying to see the bright side here... which I guess I feel better because the doctor said there was something wrong and Id rather think there is something wrong then think that Im feeling pain for no reason!

So anyways, light duty for me for the time being.

Allie has been a bad dog lately... she decided she wanted to sleep on a fluffy cloud bed and pulled all of the stuffing out of her bed while she was in her crate. So now she gets to sleep on the metal because Im not going to buy her another bed until she grows out of her destructive phase! She looked so guilty when she was caught...that it was almost cute. Almost. Then I remembered how much money her bed was! At nights we have been letting her sleep with the crate not locked and she always comes to sleep on the side of the bed that I am on until about midway through the night when she goes to the guest room and sleeps on that bed! in the mornings we find her all curled up with her head on a pillow.... she is so spoiled! Yesterday I was trying to wrap presents and I had a phone call while in the middle of wrapping hers (yes, I wrap dog presents!) and I came back to the room and she had decided she wanted to test out one of the presents and was standing there playing with it. I dont think she quite understood the concept of waiting until Christmas!

Cant believe how close Christmas is.... its right around the corner! My family is coming up Saturday and I think Saturday night we are going to have our exchange of presents... then brunch with Shawn's family and mine Sunday morning, then that afternoon we will head to Orlando to have dinner with Jeff, Casey and Josh Swanson... then back to Gainesville because both Shawn's mother and I have to work on Monday! It will be busy but it will be nice to be able to see the whole family in two days!

Guess I should head to bed (good thing about light duty... not wondering how many calls I will have tonight.... just have to be up at 0600 for scheduling...) I have to go get blood drawn for my first Glucola test in the morning... and all I have heard is horror stories about how nasty the stuff is!


Beth said...

Hey! Sorry to hear about your knee. If it is a torn menicus that sucks, but surgery is not always necessary. It just depends on if it makes your knee lock out or painful everytime you move it. I do know of one way to get some pain relief, not sure how long it lasts and if you can do it, but it feels good. If you lay on your stomach and have your knee bent to 90 degrees then have someone pull upwards on your ankle, it relieves some of the pressure that gets put on the menicus. Sorry you are already on light duty, and I know how you feel about not being on the road. I miss it too and it wasn't even my job...yet. Have a great holiday and I hope everything goes well for ya over the break.