Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Still a girl!

We had our 23 week doctors appointment yesterday and our ultrasound and she's still a Madalyn Jean! I wasnt worried about it, but the night before I DID have a dream we had a boy that had only pink clothes! :) But this ultrasound definitely confirmed it. And the amniotic band has moved to the side of my uterus, well out of her way... so hopefully she will not have any problems with it. I will still be getting ultrasounds from here on out... which is so neat to see her grow! She looks like a little baby now... and during the ultrasound she was sleeping with her arm over her face like it was too bright for her to sleep! I wonder if she will do that when she is born....

Madalyn is 1 pound, 4 ounces right now and is measuring exactly where she should be. They are still saying her due date is Friday April 13th... and she is so active. I was surprised she slept during the ultrasound because usually she kicks me all day and all night. Her kicks arent quite strong enough for Shawn to feel... partly I think because she is shy and whenever he puts his hand on my belly she stops kicking!

We went and bought our stroller yesterday... which was a great find! I had fallen in love with a pattern that they discontinued and have been on the prowl for that pattern. But we went to Toys R Us last night and they had a brand new pattern called Kendall which is so much cuter than the other one! I fell in love with it... and they had the exact stroller I wanted so we bought it. It was a huge purchase to make... but Im glad we have it, and now have all the big ticket baby items except for the baby monitor and the rocking chair. The stroller is grey with light blue and lavendar and light green plaid... its so cute and good for a boy or a girl (so we can save it for the next one!)

And now we are all registered at North Florida and will be scheduling our childbirth classes soon as well. Its so exciting! I think we are going to take all the classes... childbirth, baby care and breastfeeding.... so it should be very informative.

The other exciting news of the day... Shawn called a little while ago and had gotten a call from Shands... I am hoping to set up an interview! So we are keeping our fingers crossed as far as that is concerned. It is in the financial affairs department, so he will be dealing with people AND money so it will hopefully be a little more exciting for him than just the banking and money end of it.

On a somewhat sad note, Allie's toy squirrel offically passed away a few days ago... his arm was ripped off in a traumatic wrestling incident and all of his insides were ripped out. Luckily Publix has a stockpile of squirrels, so we were able to find her a new friend right away!