Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Years Eve

I cant believe this is the last day of 2006... what a ride it has been to say the very least!

We had a great past few days... after the unplanned trip to the doctor and day off of my feet I felt a lot better. Dont want to have to rehydrate with that much Gatorade again anytime soon though! Friday night we had our friends Carey and Zach with his little girl Kya, Mike, Gene and Megan over to hang out. It was a great time... we just sat around and watched football and caught up since it had been awhile since the last time we had seen most of them. Megan and Gene brought us this beautiful angel statue for the baby's room... we have it sitting on her bookshelf right now. It was so nice of them to bring it for us. Allie had a great time running around playing with Kya until it was her bedtime.. then she kept going into the guest room to check on her! It was so cute... she is going to be such a great big sister for Madalyn (once she gets over the original shock of not being the only baby in the house anymore!)

Yesterday we got to have a lazy day where we did basically nothing all day... it was the first time in awhile that we have had one of those. Later in the afternoon we went out to Publix and bought some crab legs and oysters and came back to the house and had Shawn's brother and his friend over for dinner and more football watching. It was great... perfect weather to fire up the grill and cook outside. I even particpated in eating some of the seafood...

Hope everyone has a happy and safe new years eve!